Expert Opinion
Gеorgiі Kukhaіleshvili
Association of Milk Producers

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Ukraine Increased Cattle Export Relative to January 2024

At the beginning of 2025, the demand for beef in the market exceeds supply, which could potentially lead to price strengthening, according to the analyst of the Association of Milk Producers of Ukraine, Georgii Kukhaleyshvili.

According to preliminary data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, in January 2025, Ukraine exported 1.42 thousand tons of live cattle, which is 65% less compared to December 2024, but 150% more compared to January 2024.

In January 2025, Ukrainian exporters supplied 21 tons of fresh or chilled beef to foreign markets. The natural volume of exports increased by 20 tons compared to December and January 2024.

The natural volume of frozen beef exports in January 2025 amounted to 1.4 thousand tons, which is 22% less compared to December and 7% more compared to January 2024.

Georgii Kukhaleyshvili notes that there is some activity in foreign markets. According to senior analyst at AHDB, Hannah Clarke, at the beginning of 2025, the demand for beef exceeds supply, which could potentially lead to price strengthening. The demand for red meat is quite active in Japan and South Korea. The reduction of the cattle population in the USA has become a factor in increasing beef imports from Australia. At the same time, the protectionist policies of the Trump administration may affect the geography of beef exports from Mexico and Canada, for which the USA was the main market until recently. According to Rabobank, in 2025, it is likely that beef production will decrease in the USA, Brazil, Europe, China, and New Zealand.

In January 2025, Ukraine increased the import of live cattle to 58 tons (+39%), chilled beef to 6 tons (+85%) compared to the same period last year. The volume of frozen beef imports amounted to 252 thousand tons, which corresponds to last year's figures.

Press Service of the Association of Milk Producers

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