With the assistance of Mr. Andriy Gettya, Professor of the Department of Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology of Animals, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Deputy director of FABU, the company donated drugs manufactured by Boehringer Ingelheim, including an anti-inflammatory medicine, which will be distributed to the current needs of 100 dairy and pig farms affected by the war.
Thank you for your help:
- Federal Association for Animal Health (BfT) (Bundesverband für Tiergesundheit e.V. (BfT)) - supplier of ideas and driving force for the supply of drugs,
- Pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim for selfless and generous provision of much-needed veterinary drugs for our farms,
- VetLogOne GmbH - WDT logistics center for non-bureaucratic logistics,
- Transport company Dalmaco (Dallmaco Speditionsgesellschaft GmbH) for ease of communication and punctuality in delivery of aids,
- Marketing company of agriculture and food industry of Lower Saxony (Marketinggesellschaft der niedersächsischen Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft e. V.) for coordination of the supply chain, expert processing of accompanying documents and much more.
- The German-Ukrainian Cooperative Project FABU (Deutsch-ukrainisches Kooperationsprojekt FABU), the consulting company ADT Project Consulting GmbH and Albrecht Thaer Gesellschaft Celle for coordination of efforts, providing of financing of transportation of cargoes and their delivery to the recipient,
- And personally to Mr. Andriy Gettya for joining our initiatives, finding time for communication and coordination of supplies.
Together we are going through a difficult path to victory
From the first days of war, #AMP, #UAC and Асоціація «Свинарі України» have been collecting and delivering veterinarian aid to dairy and pig farms within the international charity fund #SaveUA , with the approval of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and with the support of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection (SSUFSCP).
We invite to cooperation companies, organizations and foundations that have the ability and desire to support Ukrainian farms affected by the war!
Offer help: is@avm-ua.org
Support milk producers! Let's win together, let's rebuild together!