The Ukrainian market is actively entering the "low milk" season, which, against the background of high demand, continues to support the price offer for raw milk - reports the analytical department of the Association of Milk Producers.
In addition, almost every day the dairy industry receives news of dairy farms being hit, with a significant proportion of farms unable to return to normal operations after de-occupation due to destruction or deterioration of animal health. As a result, the number of cows in Ukraine continues to decrease.
According to preliminary estimates by Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, as of October 1, the number of cows in Ukraine was 1,391.100, which is 15.4% less than last year.
80.3% of all livestock, or 1,117.6 thousand, are kept in regions where hostilities do not take place.
19.7% or 211,2 thousands of the national herd are kept in "hot" regions.
Over the year, the number of cows at industrial enterprises decreased by 9.7% to 380.9 thousand. Households reduced their number by 17.4% to 1,010.2 thousand.
As a result, for the nine months of 2022, milk production amounted to 5,803.8 thousand tons, which is 14.8% less than last year. Including in the regions where hostilities are not taking place, 79.2% of the total milk or 4594 thousand tons was produced. In the regions where hostilities are taking place, 20.8% of milk or 1209.8 thousand tons was produced.
At the same time, on October 1, industrial farms produced 1,937.6 thousand tons of milk, which, despite the significant loss of livestock, is only 6.8% less than last year. The analyst of the Association of Milk Producers, Yana Linetska, notes that dairy farms provide the lion's share of milk that goes to food processing. According to the results of the pre-war year 2021, the share of industrial milk in the structure of incoming raw materials for processing reached 82%. At the same time, the loss of the volume of milk of the household amounted to 18.3% (up to 3866.2 thousand tons).
Press service of the Association of Milk Producers